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Rheacon Systems Engineering is an Equal Employment Opportunity Company (EEOC). In order for us to serve our customer better and to drive our continuous innovation, Rheacon is committed to retaining skills and talents to join our team. Building a positive working environment with the focus of promoting growth and productivity from within is a part of our corporate culture. So what is it like to work at Rheacon everyday? It requires someone to be a team player with the passion for the pursuit of excellence in quality, customer-oriented commitments, goals and result-driven. If you are interested in seeking career-oriented position and would like to be considered for a position with Rheacon, we encourage you to fill out the online application. All applications are kept on file for 6 months. Our recruiter carefully matches all qualifying applicants with the best fit position(s) and will reach out to you should they need to contact you further.

Click on any position below to apply.

Chief Technology Officer (CTO)

VP of Engineering

Director - Human Resource

Account Receivable (AR)

Account Payable (AP)


Planner I

Procurement Specialist

Purchase Officer


Marketing Director

Marketing Specialist


Sales Manager

Sales Supervisor

Sales Lead



Engineering Manager

Senior Engineer

Design Engineer

Software Engineer

Production Engineer

Process Engineer

Mechanical Engineer

Electronic Engineer

Electrical Engineer

Electronic Technician

Programmer I

Programmer II

Tester I

Tester II

Assembly Technician

Machine Operator

Machine Operator - Lead

Quality Control Inspector



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